Saturday, July 16, 2005

Everything is Spanich

More quotes:

"How often is it that you walk off an elevator and land smack dab in a group of land-locked synchronized swimmers mid-routine?" (Skye, 05: after we walked off an elevator and landed smack dab in a group of land-locked synchronized swimmers mid-routine).
"Our meds are bade" (Stewart, 05)
"Its like shopping at Holt Renfrew: I really like everything but I can't take any of it home." (Honey, 05: after sharing an elevator ride up to our room with the Ukranian Water Polo team, and down with the Romanian Water Polo team)

We are almost done. Tomorrow Lynne has her talk... poor kid has had one hell of a time with it. She:
a) Forgot it in Edmonton
b) Rewrote it on Thursday afternoon while the rest of us slept
c) Lost it again when her computer pooped out last night
d) Found it in an email
e) Pooched it up trying to copy onto Pete's flash drive
f) Fucked it up burning it onto a CD

She finally has it retrieved from her email and is now frantically writing it out in our hotel room as we speak.

Went out to Prince Arthur street last night for Greek. There were about 58 of us. I was bar hopping, as the Mac people were in the Greek restaurant and the York people were in the bar across the way. Judy Shedden was funny as hell, and Aimee Skye was feeding calamari to Larry Roberts. It was scary.

We are off to the jam tonight. Pete is done his talk... it was very good. Methinks that celebrating should be done. We are tentatively planning on hitting the casino after the bar closes.

Pete's ingrown hair on his leg is "driving him fucking nuts." Poor princess.

I figure that I have cut about 17 years off my life in the last 2 weeks.


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