Tuesday, July 19, 2005

For God's Sake, Change Your Monitor Resolution Hessels!

How can you operate on such a low resolution? Maybe you need a stronger prescription.

We are in the midst of yet ANOTHER 'conference' where I must listen to other people talk about their science, while getting nil done on my own. However, this workshop has been substantially more interesting than the past couple of conferences I've been to. Although each of the talks is an hour and a half... so its really, really long.

Yesterday was awesome. One of the speakers was Tony Norcia, who I kind of perceive as the Indiana Jones of vision science. He does really sexy VEP work with both infants and adults. Its really nice seeing someone who uses a technique to its full functional capacity. Christine, he has done some work with cross-orientation suppression and sweep VEPs that we may want to look at. I've decided that if I do another PostDoc, I'm going to seriously consider applying to work with him in San Francisco.

The other talk that blew me away yesterday was by Gord Legge, who does psychophysical work on reading in patients with low vision. Why is he interested in this? Because he has low vision himself. In fact, with corrected vision, he operates around 20/1000. There were 2 reasons I was so impressed. First because the research was fucking cool. Reading psychophysics is not something that I have been exposed to, but I think that I am going to do some more research into it. Nikie, you may be very interested in some of the training work that he has done. The other (even more impressive) reason is because the guy studies vision science, and he's almost blind. I seriously don't know how you can do that. As vision researchers, we basically design our studies based on what we see. Verbally describing a second-order motion stimulus, for example, is nearly impossible. So how can this guy do such fantastic work without being able to see what his subjects see? And how does he read his graphs? Seeing him talk has made me realize I probably whine too much.

Finally, Laurence Harris talked today. His lab is the lab that is running the parabolic flight that I'm going up on this Monday. After seeing his talk, I finally understand why I've fucked Richard's data up so much... apparently, there is no affect of gravity on my vision, and this is very, very weird. Everybody's vision is partially dependent on gravitational cues... except mine. Apparently I may be some sort of weird anomoly of a person who is completely dependent on visual information. This may explain why I fall over so much. It may also be cool because I should be unaffected by the zero-G environment, whereas everyone else will be profoundly affected. We shall see.

OK... I've Geeked out. I've got to stop going to conferences. Sorry to the 99% of you that read through this whole thing and didn't give a shit. I promise to be more interesting next blog.


Blogger Cleavers said...

San Francisco - someone to visit. You will love it when we go.

Go to San Francisco
Go to San Francisco

Not that I'm trying to get rid of you or anything...... ;-)

5:22 AM  
Blogger Cleavers said...

And why does your damn blog say I'm leaving this message at 5.22 am when I'm clearly fast asleep at that time and it's actually 8.22?

5:23 AM  
Blogger Anderson said...

Mayhap I will, mayhap I will. And the clocks are all screwed up in my blog, which is why some post times appear insane.

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get off my back, woman.

11:31 AM  
Blogger Anderson said...

Then change your fucking resolution.

1:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am now keeping this resolution out of spite.

2:56 PM  
Blogger Anderson said...

Ah, spite. The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.

3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here I am again...cluttering up your site statistics with my low resolution setting. It bothers you, doesn't it?

2:13 PM  

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