Monday, July 11, 2005

Okay...I will not Drink Beer

There goes that little epitaph. Damn those people. But I am still *relatively* sober, and that must mean something.

I figured that this deserved blogging though. Michelle is excited about the football game that she is going to the Dome to watch tomorrow. And rightfully so. We then got onto the excitement of watching live sports. Hockey (of course) came up... I mean you can't live in Canada for a year without going to a live game. Experiencing the smell of the ice, the sound of the buzzer as it blares across the arena, the taste of rink nachos, the rancour of hockey moms as they scream profanities at the officials. That just smacks of high school for me.

I then mentioned that we have to go and watch a lacrosse game. I've never actually been to a live game, but I have heard very, very good things. Lacrosse is a fantastic sport. Both "Psycho" and "DrL" (I didn't use your real names folks) were all razzing on it though... DrL started saying that it was a cross between baseball and basket-weaving (I guess because the stick includes a basket). Michelle started laughing and mocking our national sport. "What kind of country has a national sport that can be described as basket-weaving?" She says.

This is after she has given me my birthday present, "True Brits" by J. R. Daeschner. Here's the FIRST THREE SENTENCES on the back cover:

"When JR Daeschner first witnessed cheese rolling, he was astounded. As an American who had lived in the UK for years, he knew the British could be a bit eccentric. However, nothing could prepare him for the sight of men--and women--flinging themselves off a grassy cliff in pursuit of a cheese."

I mean really. Do I have to introduce the pot to the kettle here? [sidebar... I was introduced to the concept of cheese rolling by DrLove who actually comes from the town o' cheese rolling. Essentially, a large wheel of Double Gloucester cheese is thrown down a hill and a bunch of drunkards go chasing after it. Apparently, the cheese has no purpose in this race. And people have actually died chasing said cheese]. Or how about the fact that DrL and I are going to England a day early so that we can go to Bonfire Night, where the Brits actually throw fireworks at icons of the Pope in an attempt to burn him in effigy?

And Lacrosse seems silly? Oh Michelle, I can't wait to introduce you to a Lacrosse player. Let's just say...they fill out the uniform nicely.


Blogger Cleavers said...

You sure as hell didn't post this at 10.08 pm last night as we were getting liquored up then!

As for the Lacrosse boy - bring him on. Anyone who fills out the uniform well, while managing to perform the delicate act of basket weaving gets the vote in my book

8:47 AM  

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