Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Schizophrenic Concert-ing

In 3 days, I have gone to 2 concerts that couldn't be more different. Of course, the style of music was completely different (Indie Folk Christian vs British Punk), which may explain the dichotomy in audience. Sufjan Stevens fans tended to be in the 20-30s range with a lot of indie U of T kids, whereas Bloc Party fans were a bunch of young frat kids who were *maybe* pushing 20. Also, the choice in venues may also explain a bit. Sitting-in-church-pews vs. standing-in-mosh-pit certainly contribute different emotional effects when listening to live music. But from a musical perspective, both were unbelievably entertaining and definitely worth the $20 ticket charge. With Sufjan, we got to see spontaneous cheerleading routines all in the name of Illinois. And with Bloc Party, Kele was highly entertaining (i.e. very pretty) and pro-Canadian. This is all less than a week until Athlete (woohoo!) at the Opera House. To prep myself, I have pretty much worn out Vehicles and Animals and Tourist. Should be awesome, as I already know they are fantastic live, and the Opera House is a nice intimate setting with great acoustics.

On a completely different note: someone from Brazil found their way to my website though the search term:

"Phyllo Medusa"

What in the blue fuck could they have been looking for I wonder?


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