Tuesday, September 13, 2005

We Saw Canoe!

The lovely Michelle secured tickets to Thumbsucker, which is showing at the Toronto Film Festival. When asked if I would escort her, I quickly responded "Yea", as I have never attended a screening at TIFF and thought it would be a fun experience. When Michelle told me the title of the film we would be viewing, I gave a cursory once over some of the reviews, noticed no major headliners in the film, and left it at that.

Maybe if I would have read the damn reviews a little closer I would have brought my camera.

So off I go to meet her this evening at the Elgin theatre. She obtained the tickets through a friend at VISA, so we chose to forgo the red carpet mania and instead made a dash for the "pre-screening" lounge for a cheeky beer before the show. Also, as VISA attendees, we got first selection at seating in the theatre. *armpit sniff* Nice.

We gawked at all the people coming in and out... I ran into an old friend from high school I haven't seen in 12 years... and then Michelle decided to hit the head one last time before the film started. She had been eyeing a good lookin' feller that was sitting to our right and was clandestinely taking photos of him. She left the camera with me (in case he turned around and I could get a full head shot), and bounced off to the loo.

And she'll regret that decision for the rest of her life, as she walked out of the washroom and smack dab in front of Canoe Reeves. Turns out, he had a minor role in the film, as did Vince Vaughn (who wasn't there unfortunately).

The movie itself was pretty good. I would recommend it as a rental. A good "coming of age" independent film.

We figured Canoe would leave before the end of the film, but as we were walking by his seat (which was only about 4 rows behind us) damned if he wasn't still sitting there. Michelle got a good picture of him then... I haven't checked her blog yet but I'll bet a million dollars it will be up before 1:00.

Those of you who know me well will know that Keanu would not be my first choice in famous people encounters. But I have to admit I was star-struck all the same.

Michelle, you rock. Unfortunately, my profession will probably never present an opportunity to return the favour, so I'll just have to buy you beer instead.


Blogger Jen said...

A fantastic blog. Keep it up. Here's a subject that interests many; how to SIT IN FRONT OF MOVIE STARS AT THEIR MOVIES! Wow! good job :) And how was the movie? I really want to see it but am having a hard time convincing my roomate, who is of the impression from the previews that it'll be too clever for its own good.

8:04 AM  
Blogger Cleavers said...

Sorry chuck, no can do by 1pm - may have to wait until the weekend (shock, horror!)

8:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic!.....and, I love the irony that, of all the movie stars to see, you saw Canoe!! Next, Ms Bullock.

12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did he at least once utter "Whoa"? That would've topped it off nicely;-)

9:49 PM  

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