Monday, October 03, 2005

A Brief Insight Into the Psyche of Young Students

I just went to get money out of the bank machine at the University Centre. I was standing in line in the vestibule at the Bank of Montreal, and there were 2 girls at the ATM in front of me. They were both dressed like JLo, as the vast majority of students here appear to be. They were having a bit of a problem with the concept of 'automatic banking'

JLo.1: Like, oh my god [yes, this is verbatim], what do I do?
JLo.2: Put the cheque in an envelope
JLo.1: I'm always confused at these things
JLo.2: Have you never deposited money before?
JLo.1: Yes, but I never remember what number I'm supposed to put in

[What number could this be? I wonder to myself. Obviously, she's not talking about the PIN number, as it has long been entered. So she must be talking about the cash amount. I fail to understand why this isn't straight forward]

At this point, the machine is beeping incessantly, awaiting said envelope

JLo.1: Oh my god, where does it go?
JLo.2: In the hole that is beeping (JLo.2 was obviously a little more worldly)
JLo.1: This one?
JLo.2: Yes.
JLo.1 (after the envelope has been deposited and they are walking away): Man, that is some seriously fucked up shit

I can honestly say that it the first time I have heard somebody used the term "seriously fucked up shit" while using a bank machine. Especially from someone under the age of 70.

Before this debaucle, my plan for the day was to sit down and write a Philosophy of Teaching Statement for upcoming job applications. I don't think this would be a good idea today. Terms like "Bright Young Minds" and "Educating the Leaders of Tomorrow" aren't exactly popping into my mind right now.

Maybe tomorrow. As long as I can avoid the student centre.


Blogger Cleavers said...

J-Lo? Someone said J-Lo? Where is she? Damnmit, I don't have my camera on me.

10:24 AM  

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