Friday, October 07, 2005

Random (no T) Things to Do on a Friday Afternoon

I have a number of points of interest (loosely speaking) but no major underlying theme. Here they are in point form:

1. Vik and I went to see Matt Barber at his CD release on Tuesday. Once again, fabulous. My enthusiasm is also related to the fact that the show was within my price range (a.k.a. free.). If you are interested, he has provided his new album online and you can listen to it HERE. Launch the audio player on the left side and enjoy!

2. I was just standing outside having a smoke and had the pleasure of listening to 3 young 20-something year old males list "Reasons you know she loves you". Some actions of note:
a) If she makes you pancakes
b) If she ties your shoes
c) If she peels your Mango (no there is no hidden meaning here, they literally meant the fruit)
Somewhere there are 3 lucky ladies who are going to be given the opportunity to fulfill these requirements for these young gentlemen.

3. For those of you that are familiar with the concept of Research Methods, you may want to take a look at THIS. Reliability and Validity be damned! My new motto: make shit up and do statistics on it. Oh, and include graphs.

4. Here's a picture that I'll leave open to YOU for interpretation:


5. Many of you will remember my friend from home/roomate at NASA, Andrea. I just got word that her Mom passed away last night. She was very sick, for a very long time, so I'm sure that this was for the best. But Jeannie was a lovely person, and will be sadly missed. Once again, things that put shit in perspective on a Friday afternoon.


Blogger pstewart said...

I thought the figure caption should read:
"Aimee get the hell off of my pillow. Your lovely friends are keeping me company and giving me treats while you lay your lazy-ass head on my well drooled upon pillow."

2:52 PM  

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