Wednesday, January 04, 2006

And A Happy Christmas to All (or: What Eek Did on her Christmas Vacation)

Goddamnit. I planned my post-vacation blog to follow a storyline with pictures. But I can't find my damned camera cable. So I can't upload my pictures. So you can't see all the things that I saw over the festive season. Like our really, really shitty Christmas Tree (that was cut down with love from my parents' backyard). Or Eek under a variety of different attention-seeking circumstances. Or Horn. God Bless 'im.

Actually, my vacation was incredibly relaxing. For the first time since graduate school, I leave behind a vacation that actually recharged my clock. I'm not more tired than I was before vacation. That's a good thing, as January usually requires a massive detox session. January is still going to be low-key, but it's because I WANT to and not because I NEED to. Anderson must be growing up.

Vacation started when Eek and I drove to Avonton on the Thursday morning. Eek was pissed. So pissed that she took a big poo in the back of my car. Yum. She's never done that before, and I hope to God that she never does it again. It stunk.

For the first 5 days here's what I did in Avonton:

Blue Fuck All.

I grew so lazy that getting a glass of milk required a 1/2 hour contemplation on whether or not getting up off the couch was worth it. You think I jest, but I don't. I don't even think I went outside for 2 days. Unbelievable. The lack of energy/activity ultimately culminated in my last 24 hours of Avonton-time with my head stuck in a toilet. Unfortunately, chez Anderson was inundated with some sort of food-poisoning or flu-bug, which saw 75% of us sick as dogs for 3 out of the 5 days. Fun fun.

I picked up Hessels in Stratford on the 28th, and spent a couple of days hanging around the Tdot, shopping, rasing a little hell, then lowering it again. Watched a retarded amount of Kenny vs Spenny (Sandra gave me the DVDs for Christmas, bought them for herself, and I gave Ryan the set for Christmas... there was a lot of opportunity to watch them over the holidays). We also went to see the Skyes, which is always a treat. Jerkus even ventured out of his room for a few hours. Wonders will never cease.

Ryan and I took off for Hamifax late on the 30th, to be greeted by sober Nikie just before midnight. Got to see Nikie's place which is ALSO great (why does everyone in Nova Scotia have such great places? Its like some sort of great-place province). Right close to downtown and lots of great pubs. We spent most of the night catching up over beers and wine while Ryan slept the night away. But Nikie had to get up and pick Hessels up the next morning, and so sleep was required at some point.

New Years was fun... Amy came via VIA (hee hee) and we prepared a good ol' fashioned home cooked meal before we went out. We went to a pub downtown, where we reintroduced Amy to the wonders of booze, stared in stunned horror at the number of young (and I mean young) females in the pub, and became acquainted with our new best friend, Horn. Horn was a great guy. We brought him home with us, and boy did he talk to a lot of people on the street. Almost all of the time, a greeting from Horn resulted in a raucous "Happy New Year!!!" from random folks on the street. Yes, we were lucky that Horn came into our lives, as I'm sure he is grateful to have found us. Again, I have pictures, which would be so much better. Damnit.

We also headed into Wolfville for a couple of days. Its as shitty as I remember (in case you AREN'T Hessels reading this, I'm being sarcastic). Hessels' office is successfully keeping with the armpit theme. What a hole. Unfortunately, Horn is now stuck living out the remainder of his days in Sandra's dive of an apartment. Poor li'l guy.

We also had a East Coast Mussel dinner. Mmmmm. Good shit.

Shopping in Hamifax yesterday, dinner at Nikie's local pub (which is about a 2.3 minute walk from her place and unbelievably cool), listened to Ryan's talk, and off to bed for an early morning drive to the airport. Got in this afternoon, which meant, of course, that I didn't make it into the lab. Needed to get my last few hours of being a lazy mofo in before I crank it up tomorrow.

So tomorrow I have to work again. Boy do I have a lot of shit to get done. And I have to go pick up my magical pooing cat from the folks this weekend. GFTs.

And a Hap-Hap-Happy New Year to everyone.


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