NeoCockney Rhyming Slang
Phrilly and I have decided that the majority of the time, Cleavers is making shit up and passing it off as so-called "Cockney Rhyming Slang". I'm almost positive that most of these little terms are being pulled out of her ass on the fly. So, instead of buying into it, Phrilly and I are going to start making up Cockney Rhymes as well. The following would be the fruits of our labour from last night.
Term: Bein' Stephen
Translation: Being an ass
Roots: Bein' Stephen >> Stephen Glass >> Being an ass
Used in a sentence: After Sebastian had too much to drink, he began bein' Stephen.
Stay tuned for more Slangs from across the pond.
Term: Bein' Stephen
Translation: Being an ass
Roots: Bein' Stephen >> Stephen Glass >> Being an ass
Used in a sentence: After Sebastian had too much to drink, he began bein' Stephen.
Stay tuned for more Slangs from across the pond.
Admit it, you just wanna be me, really.....
Surely it should be called Mockney rhyming slang, me old china?
Damnit. That IS better. That's why you're the English major and I'm just the lowly psychophysicist.
Thy shall be Christened.
Mockney Rhyming Slang.
The most brilliant part of this is that Stephen Glass is the journalist who made up stories at The New Republic (not the composer, Philip, as I originally thought.) So being an ass = Stephen Glass. Awesome. (n.b. the tv movie of the glass affair featured anakin skywalker as the title character.)
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