Thursday, March 09, 2006

A Brief Rant

Do you know what pisses me off to no end? Lazy people. Seeing as my travels have become largely dependent upon elevators, I am starting to truly observe the shear laziness of some members of the population. Case in point: the elevator in the Computer Science Building. This has GOT to be the world's slowest elevator... no exaggeration. I have never taken it, as it is so damned slow, and because there are only 4 floors in the building.

But the number of people who take it, and make me waste my time because I am now FORCED to wait, makes me want to vomit.

Seriously, these are 20 year olds that are perfectly healthy that are taking it up or down one floor. Meaning that it triples the amount of time it takes me to take it. My blood pressure rises just thinking about it. I want to slap them upside the head with a crutch.

And don't even get me started about the people who take the elevators in the TTC system.

On an up note, I have rediscovered 'Living on the Edge' by Aerosmith. That's my new pump-up song. I love rediscovering songs.

And on a related note, I would like to point out that both Sandra and Christine possess more iPods than I do. This will be rectified in the next couple of months.


Blogger Dr. Feelgood said...

Oh, I hear your sermon, Sister.

My favourite are the wheelie bags. Suitcases on wheels, dragged about like stubborn Shih Tsus, by students who can't possibly lift a backpack. And they tend to be either talking on cell phones, or they look lost and wander in a zig-zag pattern. Makes the library look like a fucking airport.

And then there are the students (typically hot little things with zero-fucking-percent body fat...grrrrr) who arrive at my office all out of breath, and tell me that the three flights of stairs are just killers.

7:45 PM  
Blogger Anderson said...

Fuck dude.

Remember the Mohawk Health Sciences building and all the people with their stupid wheelie bags? I reiterate... these people were in HEALTH SCIENCE. I seem to remember having many a rant with you over Tim Hortons and Du Mauriers about that one.

8:51 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

I've made it a personal goal to never ever take the damn elevator at st. clair station. No matter how much I'm carrying. Do these people not realize that it takes about 4-5 times as long to take that elevator as it does to walk up the stairs?

7:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those Health science people have been told that it's better for their backs to use the wheelie bags.... at 20...argh.

6:57 AM  
Blogger Dr. Feelgood said...

See, and I figure that if we can climb the stairs, lugging shit, after chugging coffee and sucking back a few smokes in a row, then the 'healthy' types should just suck it up and carry a fucking backpack up the goddamn stairs, like nature intended. Sure, intact vertebrae are great, but self-respect is priceless.

11:39 AM  

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