Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My Obvious Resolution

Need I state it? Notice how I'm back? Notice how my blog title has changed? Yes, I am confident that I will have much more time this semester, and as such, Lemmiwinks(13) has been resurrected. Bless.

The prospect of summarizing the past 5 months is far too daunting. As such, I will simply pretend that I have been abducted by aliens (ie undergrads) for the past little bit, and have only now found myself back on earth. Short summary of last semester: Awesome. Love teaching. But I look forward to NOT prepping courses this coming semester, and instead focusing on the whole research thing. As of today, my computers are ready to go. Let the coding begin!!!

So let me jump back into blogging mode through a synopsis of the holidays. I'm sure that the 2 readers that I have left will appreciate it.

The first couple of days was spent in the T-dot, at Cleavers place. Customer appreciation night at the Tap (food donations = free booze... woohoo!) served to be a most excellent (albeit brief) reintroduction to the Tdot. By the end of the night, I had given away all but 2 out of the 30 business cards that I brought back with me (including 2 to a lovely girl from Yellowknife and her boyfriend from St. Johns at 3am on Bloor St... guess who shouldn't be given business cards), and got to eat my favorite brown-people food before bed. I rolled out of bed the next morning to have a loverly brunch with Mary, then headed down to the Apple Store to meet UberGeek for a (albeit brief) happy Apple Store reunion (you may recall our fetish for Apple here . And thank God it was UberGeek I was with, for noone but Mr. WB himself would have appreciated the fact that we saw (and sort of stalked) Scott Speedman in line. I only have one word for him. And that is Yum.

After I purchased my new Mini (thanks to the kindness of loving friends who were glad to see me leave Toronto last time), we headed to the Pump for a *meeting* with British Ubergeek. We actually did work, and got some great stuff accomplished, although we all know that Beer + Vision Scientists always degrades into a sloppy mess . See?

You will all be happy to know that British UberGeek's book will be on shelves by April. I am purchasing 4.

The next day I headed out to London by train to meet up with Stink and Hessels, who flew in that night. If you DON'T read Cleavers blog, then you wouldn't know that I was mentioned in the Star (OK... so it was largely Cleavers (bottom of article), but I was the friend she was seeing off at the airport). Stink was pissed that my train was an hour late. You know what would have helped? If she had a CELL PHONE. We headed to some Weasel Pub (which wasn't there when I was at UWO) that was quite lovely. Chatted the night away over (literally) one too many pitchers (we should have stuck with 2. But no. Hessels had to get greedy). Stink drove us to Avonton the next morning, where I got to see the new kitchen:

which is lovely. Big windows to capitolize on the view of the river in the back, and countertops custom built from barn wood from the farm by Don.

Don and Eva have also taken to making their own wine. Its quite good, really. It also gives me an idea...

The rest of the trip was a bit more relaxing... watching movies (with homemade wine), eating fondue (with homemade wine), opening presents (with homemade wine). I got a lovely quilt made by Mom that now adorns my bed. I headed to Blyth with Stink on the 27th to visit the Hessels homestead (and FINALLY the Rubber Boot... yes the place does exist). I headed back to Edmonton on the 29th (after one last trip to the Apple Store for a DVI to SVid adaptor at Sherway Gardens... now I've been to every Apple store in Ontario!). Was greeted at the airport by Chiquita and Lynne (who, I'm pretty sure, were just looking for an excuse to drink, as is evidenced here : note the timestamp). But what a lovely way to arrive back into town.

The rest of my time was spent settling back in; I set up my Mini (aka Quagmire). While he doesn't have a keyboard nor mouse, he has a lovely remote which I can use to watch DVDs and listen to ma music. Eek, being all needy as she is, tried (and failed miserably) to fit into the box:

Get over it girlfriend.

Finally, I spent NYs with Gord and Chiquita. After admiring Quagmire (which I will, of course, force everyone to do for the next 2 months), we had a few beer and headed over to the Sherlock Holmes (our new local). Good times (besides all the creepy/gropey guys that were by the washroom and the fight that started at the next table. Hazzah for Gord for being able to protect us). Although Chiquita looks like she is plotting something:

Look familiar?

All in all, a good night, wrapped up by some Arrested Developement. Always a good way to enter the New Year. I was sad because I didn't get to see a certain someone, but I did receive a greeting from him today:

And, even though he doesn't know it yet, I think I might have found him a new piece of ass:

We'll see if there's a connection.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yaaay! Welcome back! how in the hell did i miss that you're listening to DMB... AND guster??? wooohooo

9:58 PM  

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